
Time to represent our HOME! Process Green grew from a small home studio in Mar Vista, CA and quickly moved on to join the business community and add to the economic growth being made on Venice Blvd. We are continuing to add value around the country, but this month we are focusing on the neighborhood that so warmly accepted us from day one, and now we have even more power to make a positive change.

We are extremely proud to announce our new partnership with a local non-profit organization, the Green Communications Initiative (GCI) which will pool our resources together and multiply our effectiveness in building a stronger local economy.
mv_artwalk_logo-01GCI inspires people to consume responsibly. Communicating through arts, media, culture and education, GCI is committed to actively benefit our environment and most notably, to encourage and increase walkability, GCI has put together the local Mar Vista Art Walk which brings the community together for a FREE, fun-filled night in the neighborhood.
Residents and families get the chance to meet our local artists who have been adding color and personality to our streets and making our homes a happier place to live. They can even take home a cool new piece of art to hang on their walls. Our local business owners open their arms (and their doors) to the community and share their space with us and the artists to allow us all to come together and get to know the people we work and live next to.
mar-vista-art-walk-2This is truly an event that bridges the gap between businesses and the community. That is exactly why we encourage everyone to come and join us this Thursday, December 1st from 6pm-10pm (on Venice Blvd between Inglewood and Beethoven Street, 90066).
Process Green will be working with local business owners to turn all their day to day transactions into donations to GCI so that they can continue to provide great services to our local community. Together, we can support the organization that helped put Mar Vista on the map and is committed to driving positive consumer behaviors and encouraging necessary change so we sustain the health and wellbeing of our community.
If you are a local business owner we have not spoken to yet, please contact us here and fill out the form at the bottom: https://processgreen.com/290N
Let’s support our artists, let’s support our local businesses and let’s keep the Mar Vista Art Walk alive and FREE for years to come!