
LOS ANGELES (April 10, 2013)—Process Green has partnered with North American Bancard to introduce Phone Swipe—a portable credit card reader that instantly transforms one’s smart phone or tablet into a portable processing terminal. Through using Phone Swipe and its app on mobile devices, Process Green enables business owners to accept credit card payments anywhere at any time.
Under Process Green, Phone Swipe will carry out the benevolent business model—giving back to the society. Along with its other services, 10 percent of Process Green’s profit from the transaction completed will be used to support the non-profit organizations designated by the business owner.
“It’s a nice feeling to know that every time a student takes a music lesson with us, we know that a portion of the payment is also helping someone in need,” Corey Ferrugia, Owner of My Town Music said. He is currently supporting FAMEfoundation.org, helping disadvantaged children to pursue their dream of education through the arts.
Phone Swipe has a 2.69 percent swipe rate, which is 0.06 percent less costly than its major competitor—Square Inc. It has one of the lowest ratings among all the mobile credit card readers on the market. Unlike the traditional merchant services, Process Green’s
Phone Swipe has a “pay-as-you-go” model that neither charges monthly fees nor requires monthly minimum payments.
Once the card is swiped and the transaction completed, a receipt will be sent to the client’s email. The receipt will include a map showing the exact location where the transaction has taken place as well as an itemized list of the purchase. It also gives business owners the ability to customize their receipt with logos and company related messages.
In addition,Phone Swipe allows business owners to create sub-accounts under one main account. By separating the user’s account from the administrator’s account, this feature ensures the business owners’ security, privacy, and confidentially. The tightened administrative restrictions on the employees allow business owners to have more control over their account.
Phone Swipe allows businesses to be fully transparent with their staff if they choose to,” said Edward Pakdaman, Founder of Process Green, “the business owner now gets to decide if their staff can have access to the company’s total sales or not.”
The online portal function on the Phone Swipe application records the account’s business history, which covers all transactions processed using the device for any future administrative references. It facilitates the tracking of the transactions, thus, strengthening the account’s overall reporting ability.
“Separating the company’s confidential information from our drivers is crucial to our business’s longevity,” said Mick Hijiazi, Owner of Transcend Delivery Service, who chose Sustainable Works as his non-profit beneficiary,Phone Swipe allows us to quickly identify where the source of an error has occurred, making everything more efficient.”
Phone Swipe is a device offered by Process Green and issued under North American Bancard, a merchant service provider that offers the best portable credit card reader available at the cheapest rate. Over 180,000 businesses trust North American Bancard with their more than $13 billion-worth of payment transactions every year.Ipad-swiper-with-Cash-Register-and-Printer
To find more information and to sign up, visit: www.PhoneSwipe.com
-Written by Taiu Kunimoto